Monday, November 1, 2010

Detroit Fanfare Thoughts

Well, the 1st annual Detroit Fanfare was this past weekend and I must say I had a great time. Even though it was smaller than Motor City Comic Con, it seemed much better organized and maintained. Everyone was super nice and the promoters even had volunteers going around asking the artists and vendors if they needed anything and what our thoughts were on the show (all positive), which I thought was very classy. I met some new great people and caught up with some chums, which was very cool. My hat goes off to everyone involved with the event! Can't really say the same for the Youmacon event, but that's a different story altogether.

This was my 3rd convention as a guest and each time is a learning experience. All I have to say is that I will be much better prepared and have more variety for the next convention I will be part of. A good quote I heard in conversation this weekend was "the best way to get into the industry is by diving in head first". Gotta do what ya gotta do and keep doing it.

The two cards above I did during some down time and I think they both turned out well, especially Harley, since I need to practice drawing the female form more often.